Professor Christina Landman

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Christina Landman


Present position:

  • Director Research: Research Institute for Theology and Religion, University of South Africa
  • Full Professor
  • NRF-rated researcher (National Research Foundation)
  • Editor of Studia Historiae Ecclesiasticae (accredited), subject journal of the Church History Society of Southern Africa
  • Member of Advisory Committee, National Orders, President of the Republic of South Africa
  • Member of the EXCOM of the Oral History Association of Southern Africa (OHASA)
  • Ordained pastor in the Uniting Reformed Church (Dullstroom). Member of the Seminary Management Committee (Northern Theological Seminary). Actuarius of the Northern Synod

Contact details:
Research Institute for Theology and Religion
University of South Africa
PO Box 392
0003 Pretoria
South Africa

(012)429-4309 (office)
(012)429-3525 (fax)
082 377 2574 (cell)
(012)664 3653 (home)

Overview of academic history
Christina Landman was born on February 8, 1956 in Pretoria. She obtained five distinctions in her final year at the Lyttelton High School in 1973. She subsequently obtained seven degrees (cum laude) at the Universities of Pretoria and South Africa:

  • 1976: BA
  • 1977: BA (Hons) Greek
  • 1980: BD (Script: "Aspects of the exegetical method of Augustine")
  • 1981: MA (Greek): "The use of non-Christian literary sources in the Church History of Eusebius of Caesarea".
  • 1987: DTh (Church History): "The use of Scripture in the Tractatus de regia potestate et sacerdotali dignitate of Hugo Floriacensis."
  • 1988: BA (Hons) Latin
  • 1990: Postgraduate Diploma in Translation.
  • 2007: DTh (Pastoral Therapy): “Doing narrative counselling in the context of township spiritualities”

She was appointed in the Department of Church History at the University of South Africa in 1980:

  • 1980: Junior lecturer
  • 1981: Lecturer
  • 1984: Senior lecturer
  • 1991: Associate Professor - This was the first time a South African born woman became a professor of theology in South Africa.
  • 2002: Professor, Research Director of the Research Institute for Theology and Religion

In 1996 she joined the Research Institute for Theology and Religion as Chief Researcher in a post created by the Council of the University of South Africa for Gender Studies and Religion History. In 2002 she was promoted to Research Director of this Institute.


  1. In 2004 she won the Christian Booksellers of South Africa “Book of the Year Award” for “Leefstyl-Bybel vir Vroue”.
  2. In 2007 she won “The Most Published Woman at Unisa (2005)” Award.

She is the author/editor of the following books:
"Windows on origins" (1985)
"Europe's role in a South African methodology" (1991)
"The piety of Afrikaans women" (1994)
“The piety of South African women” (1999)
"Digging up our foremothers, stories of women in Africa" (1996)
“A preliminary bibliography of published material on the AICs” (1997)
“Township spiritualities and counseling” (2009)

"Wat nou van Isebel? Verhale van vroue in die Bybel" (Lux Verbi, 1996)
“Nagstukke” (Lux Verbi, 1998)
“Lirieke van die liefde” (Lux Verbi, 1999)
“Woorde wat heel maak” (Lux Verbi, 2000)
“Vryers en vennote: verhoudings in die Bybel” (Struik, 2001)
“Passion and partnership in the Bible” (Struik, 2001)
“Leefstyl-Bybel vir Vroue” (Lux Verbi, 2003)
“Reach for Life” (Lux Verbi, 2003)
“Platgeslaan, opgestaan” (Lux Verbi, 2005)
“Donkermaan, volmaan” (Lux Verbi, 2006)
“Jou dink nuut gids oor seerkry” (Carpe Diem, 2008)
“God gee die môre-ster” (Lux Verbi, 2008)
“Hoogtyd vir ‘n hoë lied” (Aktua Pers, 2009)
“Ek is ... waardevol” (Christelike Lektuurfonds 2011)

  • She has written 56 scientific articles and given papers at 49 national and international conferences.
  • During 1988, 1991 and 1992 she studied in Germany and in the Netherlands with bursaries from the University of South Africa.
  • During 2001 she held a Domestic Travel Grant as well as a Grant for a Foreign Study Visit.
  • During 2003/4 she worked as a Independent Prison Visitor in the Pretoria Female Prison at the request of the Inspecting Judge of Prisons.
  • She also worked as a voluntary counsellor at Kalafong Hospital in Atteridgeville from 2000 to 2007.
  • During R&D leave in 2008 she conducted a research project in the Lowveld amongst farmworkers entitled “Concepts of illness and healing amongst farmworkers in the Hoedspruit area”.
  • On 18 May 2008 she was ordained as pastor in the Uniting Reformed Church of Southern Africa (Dullstroom). In September 2010 she was elected Actuarius of the Northern Synod of URCSA.

Academic organisations

  1. Member of the Church History Society of Southern Africa, and editor of its subject journal Studia Historiae Ecclesiasticae (accredited)
  2. Member of the Society for Practical Theology in Southern Africa
  3. Member of the Southern African Missiological Society
  4. EXCOM member of the Oral History Asssociation of Southern Africa
  5. Member of the International Oral History Association

Publications and projects the past EIGHT years

She has been involved in three major projects at the Research Institute for Theology and Religion during the past seven years. These are:

  • The Gender and Religion Project,
  • Concepts of Illness and Healing amongst farm workers
  • The Oral History Project (Middelburg Nasaret)

Ensuing from these projects are the following publications (2003-2008)
1.   Full-length articles published in accredited journals
1.1  “Black women’s life stories as sources for teaching Church History”, in Studia Historiae Ecclesiasticae 29(1), 2003, pp 247-265 (with Victor Molobi).
1.2  “The Gospel according to Mary Magdalene”, Acta Patristica et Byzantina 14, 2003, pp 176-185.
1.3  “Women healers in Atteridgeville: research method and findings”, Studia Historiae Ecclesiasticae 30(1), 2004, pp 205-221.
1.4  “Women and (c)overt power”, Theologia Viatorum 28(1), 2004, pp 56-69.
1.5  “Agnes Blannbekin (d 1315): Lay female mysticism as a source of indigenous knowledge, Acta Patristica et Byzantina15, 2004, pp 219-232.
1.6  “‘Leefstyl-Bybel vir vroue’: Afrikaans-speaking women amidst a paradigm shift”, Studia Historiae Ecclesiasticae 31.1, 2005, pp 147-162.
1.7  With M-A Plaatjies, “Vroue in die teologiese antropologie van die Afrikaanse gereformeerde tradisie”, Studia Historiae Ecclesiasticae 31.1, 2005, pp 203-222.]
1.8  “Die teologiese bestuur van morele intelligensie”, Tydskrif vir Geesteswetenskappe 45.3, 2005.
1.9  “Sexuality and spirituality in a South African female correctional centre”, Scriptura 88.3, 2005.
1.10  With MM Pieterse, “Feminist responses to the historical and current influences of belief on sexual relationships,” Studia Historiae Ecclesiasticae 31.2, 2005.
1.11  “The body as a site of relationship in the Sermones super Cantica Canticorum of Bernard of Clairvaux (d 1153), Acta Patristica et Byzantina 16, 2005, pp 233-244.
“Can justice be embodied in sexist language? A challenge to the confession of Belhar”, Ned Geref Teologiese Tydskrif, Deel 47, Nos 1,2 (Maart en Junie 2006), pp 283-291. 1.13  “Educating the body of the female child: Feminisms in dialogue with Jerome (d 420), Studia Historiae Ecclesiasticae 32.1, 2006, pp147-161.
1.14  “The incarcerated body: Judicial inspections, human rights and religious policy in prisons in South Africa”, Studia Historiae Ecclesiasticae 32.2, 2006, pp 321-343.
1.15  “Christinah Nku and St John’s: One hundred years later”, in Studia Historiae Ecclesiasticae 32.3, 2006, pp 1-32.
1.16  “Kulturele en teologiese lyne as die fondament van die vroegste Christendom”, in Acta Patristica et Byzantina27, 2006, pp 272-294.
1.17  “Mercy Amba Ewudziwa Oduyoye: Mother of our stories”, in Studia Historiae Ecclesiasticae 33.1 (2007):197-204.
1.18  met CD Flaendorp, “Die spiritualiteit van die bruinmense van Suurbraak: Gister, vandag en more,” in Studia Historiae Ecclesiasticae 33.2 (2007); 167-195.
1.19  “Religion as a means of preventing injury and promoting safety: Christian discourses on embodiment as safety discourses”, in African Safety Promotion 5.2 (2007):
1.20  “Hi/stories of gender in/justice”, in Studia Historiae Ecclesiasticae 34 (Supplement 2008):161-180.
1.21  “Farm ministries in the Hoedspruit area: Past and present”, in Studia Historiae Ecclesiasticae 34.2 (2008):187-201.
1.22  “The healing of intimate spaces through the deconstruction of religious discourses: Co-constructing alternative stories of faith in the context of township spiritualities,” in Practical Theology in South Africa 22.3(2008):201-218.
1.23  “A theology for the older, female HIV-infected body”, in Exchange:Journal of Missiological and Ecumenical Research 37.1(2008):52-67.
1.24  “Calvinism and South African women – a short historical overview”, in Studia Historiae Ecclesiasticae 35.2(2009), pp 89-102.
1.25  “The history and future of training faith leaders for participation in Employee Assistance Programmes, in Studia Historiae Ecclesiasticae 35(Supplement, 2009), pp 99-115.
1.26  ”Simon Maimela as public theologian of the 1980s and 1990s”, in Studia Historiae Ecclesiasticae 36 (Supplement), July 2010, pp 49-65.
1.27  “Religious memory and healing: the oral historian as healer in three South African contexts”, in Studia Historiae Ecclesiasticae 36.3 (October 2010), 207-217.
1.28  With Mokhele Madise: “Soccer prayers as a means of teaching religious values”... 2010
1.29  “A Public Theology for Intimate Spaces”, in International Journal of Public Theology” 5 (2011), pp 63-77.

Articles published in non-accredited, (inter)national journals/books

  1. “Een nieuw bijbelkommentaar in het Zuid-Afrikaans verschaft een nieuwe visie voor Afrikaner vrouwen”, in Wereld en Zending 4, 2004.
  2. “Seelsorgliche Begleitung von Frauen mit HIV/AIDS, in Katja Heidemanns & Marco Moerschbacher (Hg), Gott vertrauen? AIDS und Theologie im südlichen Afrika, Freiburg, Basel, Wien: Herder, 2005.
  3. “A Theology for the Older, Female Hiv-Infected Body”, in Exchange 37 (2008):52-67.
  4. “Religious identity of migrant farm workers in Hoedspruit, South Africa”, in Forum Mission 5(2009):171-185.
  5. “A theology for the recession”, in Discourse: Recession: An in-depth look into the realities behind the news. University of Johannesburg, pp 49-43.

2  Books (Popular)
2.1  Leefstyl-Bybel vir Vroue, Kaapstad, Lux Verbi (2003), eindredakteur en skrywer (2003).
2.2  Reach for Life New Testament, International Bible Society, Colorado Springs, USA (2003).
2.3  Platgeslaan, opgestaan, Kaapstad, Lux Verbi (2004).
2.4  Donkermaan, volmaan. Kaapstad: Lux Verbi (2006).
2.5  Jou DINK NUUT gids oor SEERKRY. Oorwin lyding en swaarkry in jou lewe. Vanderbijlpark: Carpe Diem (2008).
2.6  God gee die môre-ster: Lux Verbi, 2008.
2.7  Hoogtyd vir ‘n hoë lied: Aktua Pers, 2009.
2.8  Ek is waardevol. Christelike Lektuurfonds, 2011.

2a  Books (Academic)
“Township spiritualities and counseling” (Pretoria: RITR, 2009)

3  Articles in Books/journals (a selection)
3.1  Spiritual care-giving to women affected by HIV/Aids, in I Phiri ea (eds), African women, HIV/AIDS and faith communities, Pietermaritzburg: Cluster, 2004.
3.2  The Bible as a source of healing for women affected by HIV/Aids, in Mercy Amba Oduyoye and Elizabeth Amoah (eds), People of faith and the challenge of HIV/Aids. Ibadan: Sefer, 2004, pp 301-312.
3.3  Seelsorgliche Begleitung von Frauen mit HIV/AIDS, in Katja Heidemanns & Marco Moerschbacher (Hg), Gott vertrauen? AIDS und Theologie im südlichen Africa. Freiburg, Basel, Wien: Herder, 2005, pp 233-251.
3.4  Spiritual healing as an indigenous knowledge system, in CW du Toit (ed), The impact of knowledge systems on human development in Africa. Pretoria, Unisa: Research Institute for Theology and Religion, 2007, pp 229-244.
3.5  “Women embodying public theology”, in LD Hansen (ed), 2007. Christian in Public. Aims, methodologies and issues in public theology. Beyers Naude Centre Series for Public Theology, Volume 3. Stellenbosch: Sun Press, pp 201-208.
3.6  “Die situasie is hopeloos, maar nie ernstig nie: Die geskiedenis en toekoms van die huwelik”, in Chris Jones (red), Kan ons nie maar net saambly nie? Bybelse perspektiewe op liggaamlikheid, seks en die huwelik in nuwe tye. Welllington: Bybel-Media, 2010, pp 21-30.
3.7  “Op reis met my preek”, in Deon Bester, Johan Cilliers, ian Nell (reds), Teen my sin en beterwete: Kantaantekeninge oor preek en preekmaak”, Wellington: Bybel-Media, 2010, pp 9-18.

4  Papers delivered at academic conferences/Articles published in conference proceedings (a selection)
4.1  “Black women’s stories as sources for teaching church history”. Paper delivered at the annual conference of the Church History Society of Southern Africa, “The church and theological education” on 13 January 2003. Pietermaritzburg, 13-15 January 2003.
4.2  “Women healers in Atteridgeville. Some methodological issues.” Paper delivered at the annual conference of the Church History Society of Southern Africa, on 13 January 2004, Pretoria, University of South Africa, 12-15 January 2004.
4.3  “Is Harry Potter godsdienstige literatuur?”. Paper delivered at a day seminar “Godsdiens, literatuur en die kind” at Unisa on 2 March 2004.
4.4  “Engendering Pastoral Counselling”. Paper delivered at a seminar organised by the Circle of African Women Theologians, “Engendering Theological Education in Africa”, held in Kempton Park, on 20 May 2004.
4.5  “HIV/AIDS and Spiritual Care”. Paper delivered at a WCC/TEE Workshop on HIV/AIDS, “Training the trainers”, held in Limuru, Kenya on 5 July 2004.
4.6  “Sexuality and Spirituality in a South African Female Prison”. Paper delivered at the Eighth International Conference on Rhetoric and Scriptures: The Rhetoric(s) of Body Politics and Religious Discourse, held at Unisa/St John Vianney, on 12 August 2004.
4.7  “Narrative reconstructions of the New Testament - African women’s contributions”. Paper held at a conference organised by the University of Pretoria, “Continuity - changes - breaks: problems of reconstructing the history of early Christianity”, held at Hammanskraal on 26 August 2004.
4.8  “The tenets of a Theology of Healing”. Paper delivered at a conference “Reconciliation: Developing a Theology of Dialogue. The laity vs the theologians” held at the University of Pretoria on 6 October 2004.
4.9  “Die invloed van die Nederlandse Piëtisme op die spiritualiteit van Afrikaanse vroue - en die impliasies daarvan vir die pastoraat”. Paper delivered at the monthly meeting of the “Praktiese Teologie Gespreksgroep” at the University of Pretoria on 6 October 2004.
4.10  “Confessing and embodying justice”. Paper held at “Confessing and embodying Belhar and Barmen today” held at the University of Stellenbosch on 19 October 2004.
4.11  “The influence of Puritanism on Afrikaans women”. Paper delivered at the annual conference of the Church History Society of Southern Africa on 19 January 2005 at the University of the North-West, Potchefstroom Campus.
4.12  “Beguine Spirituality: The medieval spirituality of our Dutch foremothers”. Paper delivered at the annual meeting of SPIRASA (Spirituality Association of South Africa), at Hagia Sophia on 27 January 2005.
4.13  “Body theology and trauma in a township setting”. Paper delivered at SAAP (South African Association for Pastoral Workers) in Pretoria on 18 May 2005.
4.14  “Women’s right to polygamy”. Paper delivered at SAWID (South African Women in Dialogue) at the University of Pretoria on 6 July 2005.
4.15  “Serving the spiritual needs of women in a South African correctional centre”. Paper delivered at the fifth conference of the International Prison Chaplain’s Association on 22 August 2005 in Cornwall, Canada.
4.16   “Retrieving childhood memories: feminist perspectives”. Paper delivered at the Annual Conference of the Church History Society of Southern Africa on 18 January 2006 at the University of Stellenbosch, South Africa.
4.17  “Understanding Scripture through Body Theology”. Workshop held at the Circuit Conference of the Evangelical Lutheran Church, West Rand, on 25 march 2006.
4.18  “Religion as a means of preventing injury and promoting safety”. Paper delivered at the 8th World Conference on Injury Prevention and Safety Promotion, held in Durban, on 2 April 2006.
4.19  “A theology of the carcerated body”. Paper delivered at a Conference on “Lichamelijkheid in detentie”, organised by the “Dienst Geestelijke Verzorging van het Ministerie van Justitie, Nederland, on 24 April 2006 at Elspeet in the Netherlands.
4.20  “Pastoral counselling between western medicine and township spiritualities”. Paper delivered at the 1st National Conference on Pastoral Work in Health Care”, held at Pretoria Academic Hospital, on 31 August 2006.
4.21  “Spiritual healing as indigenous knowledge systems”. Paper delivered at a conference “The impact of knowledge systems on human development in South Africa”, organised by the Research Institute for Theology and Religion, Unisa, on 8 September 2006.
4.22  “Women’s stories of being cursed: Healing between western medicine and township spiritualities”. Paper given at the Third National Conference of the Oral Historiy Association of Southern Africa, entitled “Culture, memory and trauma”, held in Richard’s Bay, on 7 November 2006.
4.23  “The pastoral responsibility of the church: A response with integrity”. Paper held at a conference on “Same sex marriages: Responding with integrity”, held by the Beyers Naude Centre for Contextual Theology at the University of Stellenbosch, on 17 November 2006.
4.24  “Researching Ma Christinah Nku of St John’s Apostolic Faith Mission (1894-1988): Methodological Issues”. Paper given at the annual conference of the Church History Society of Southern Africa at St Augustine College of South Africa on 17 January 2007.
4.25  “The public ministry of the pastor/priest”. Paper given at the annual workshop of the Anglican Church on “Theological and ethical tools for pastoral engagement in a contemporary South Africa” on 30 March 2007 on the Unisa Sunnyside Campus.
4.26  “A theology for the older, female HIV-infected body. Paper given at the 4th Pan African Conference of the Circle of Concerned African Women Theologians with the theme “The Girl Child, Women, Religion and HIV and AIDS in Africa” in Yaoundé Faculty of Protestant Theology, Cameroon on 8 September 2007.
4.27  “The silent voices of women older than 50 who are living with HIV/Aids. Paper delivered at the annual conference of the Oral History Society of Southern Africa (OHASA) with the theme “Truth, legitimacy and representation: Oral history and alternative voices”, in Polokwane on 25 October 2007.
4.28  “Gender justice, economic justice and the role of the churches”. Paper delivered at the South-African-German Conference with the theme “Gender Justice – An issue for Corporate Social Responsibility” at the Evangelische Akademie Arnoldshain, Germany, on 13 December 2007.
4.29  “”Marie du Toit (1880-1931): Freedom to women of faith”. Paper delivered at the annual meeting of the Church History Society of Southern Africa with the theme “Religious freedom and the church”, at the University of Pretoria on 15 January 2008.
4.30  “Stories of gender justice”. Paper delivered at the annual meeting of the South African Missiological Society at the University of the North-West (Potchefstroom Campus) on 24 January 2008.
4.31  “Religion: The politics of peace and conflict in intimate spaces”. Paper delivered at the Oxford Round Table, at Oxford University, United Kingdom, on 14 July 2008. Conference theme: Religion: The politics of peace and conflict. 13-18 July 2008.
4.32  “A Public Theology for Intimate Spaces”. Paper delivered at the Centre for Public Theology, University of Pretoria, on 4 August 2008, at a conference with the theme: Responsible South African public theology in a global era: Perspectives and proposals, from 4 to 5 August 2008.
4.33  “The ethics of human development as transformation: Ethical practices in deconstructing religious and cultural discourses”. Key note address given at a conference of the International Institute for Development and Ethics (IIDE), “ Emerging perspectives on the ethics of development and transformation”, held on 17 September 2008 at the University of the Free State.
4.34  “Concepts of illness and healing amongst farm workers in the Hoedspruit area”. Paper delivered on 8th October 2008 at the 5th annual conference of the Oral History Society of Southern Africa, held from 7-10 October 2008 in East-London, with the theme “Hidden voices, untold stories and veiled memories”.
4.35  “Religious discourses supporting hetero-patriarchy”. Paper delivered at a consultation at Mont Fleur, Stellenbosch on 6 March 2009, on “The evil of patriarchy in the church, society and politics in South Africa”, organised by the Centre for Christian Spirituality, University of Stellenbosch.
4.36  “Gender-based violence and God-talk”. Paper delivered at the Joint Conference of Academic Societies in the Fields of Religion and Theology at Stellenbosch University from 22 to 26 June 2009 (23 June 2009 – Circle of African Women Theologians).
4.37  “Engendering theological education”. Paper delivered at the Joint Conference of Academic Societies in the Fields of Religion and Theology at Stellenbosch University from 22 to 26 June 2009 (24 June 2009 – Church History Society of Southern Africa).
4.38  “A holistic pastoral ministry amongst vulnerable groups”. Paper delivered at the Joint Conference of Academic Societies in the Fields of Religion and Theology at Stellenbosch University from 22 to 26 June 2009 (25 June 2009 – Practical Theology Society of South Africa).
4.39  “Teaching oral history – the place of oral history in community education”. Paper delivered at the 6th Annual Conference of the Oral History Association of South Africa (OHASA), “The Politics of collecting and curating voices”, held at Cape Town from 13-16 October 2009.
4.40  “Pastoral care to those who are shooting and those who are being shot”. Conference at the reopening of the Northern Theological Seminary, Uniting Reformed Church of Southern Africa, Monday 11 January 2010, Melodi ya Tshwane Church Building, Tshwane. Conference theme: “Ministry in a crisis situation: Facing dangers and opportunities.”
4.41  “Freezing the voices of vulnerable people: Methodological and practical issues”. Annual Meeting for the Society for Practical Theology in South Africa, 21 and 22 January 2010, held at the University of Pretoria. Theme: Practical Theology in South Africa: Perspectives and Paradigms. Paper delivered on 22 January 2010.
4.42  “Religious memory and healing: The oral historian as healer in three South African contexts”. Paper delivered at the 16th International Oral History Conference at the University of Economics in Prague, Czech Republic 7-11 July 2010. Delivered on 8 July 2010.
4.43  “The relationship between church and state is violent again.” Paper delivered at a conference of the Centre for Public Theology, entitled “Violence in the democratic South Africa: A challenge to theology and the churches”. 10-12 August, University of Pretoria. Delivered on 12 August 2010.
4.44  “Cottesloe and beyond”. Paper delivered at the Annual Conference of the Church History Society of Southern Africa, entitled “The history of ecumenism”, held on 16-18 August 2010 at NorthWest University, Potchefstroom Campus. Delivered on 17 August 2010.
4.45  “Polygamy: Politics, philosophy or culture?”. Paper given at the UNISA Philosophy Seminar on Wednesday 15 September 2010 at Unisa.
4.46  “Die jeug en die verbruikerskultuur”. Paper delivered at the Spring Conference of Excelsus, University of Pretoria, 5 October 2010.
4.47  “The ethics of deconstructing religious discourses”, presentation at the International Coloquium: Safety, Peace and Health Promotion Research and Praxis on 6 October 2010 (from 3-8 October 2010) at The Fairway in Randburg, Johannesburg.
4.48  “Reclaiming Tonteldoos as a sacred site”, paper delivered at the 7th Annual Conference of the Oral History Association of Southern Africa, “Oral history and heritage, national and local identities” in Mbombela, on 12-15 October 2010 (13 October 2010).
4.49  “Co-creating space with township youth”, paper delivered at the annual meeting of the Society for Practical Theology in South Africa, 18 to 20 January 2011, “Creating space for a local theological voice”, on 20 January 201, at Unisa.

4a   Conferences attended (since 2010)
4a.1  Attended South African Science and Religion Forum (SARF) conference, 2-3 September 2010, Unisa, “Homo transcendentalis? Transcendence in science and religion: Interdisciplinary perspectives”.
4a.2  Attended the conference of the “Vroue-predikante in the NGKerk: 20 jaar later” in Pretoria 20-22 September 2010

5  Post-graduate students the past seven years
5.1  Hester Josephina Isabella Viljoen, “Rekindling hope: deconstructing religious powerdiscourses in the lives of Afrikaans women.” D Litt et Phill thesis, University of South Africa, 2003.
5.2  Mary-Ann Plaatjies, “Vroue in the teologiese antropologie van die Afrikaanse Gereformeerde tradisie”. DTh thesis, University of South Africa, 2003.
5.3  Maria Magdalena Pieterse, “The role of the parental home, church and belief in the sexual relationships of young black women”. M Th dissertation, University of South Africa, 2004.
5.4  Charles Daniel Flaendorp, “Die bruinmense van Suurbraak: 200 jaar van spiritualiteitsvorming deur ‘n identiteit van gemarginaliseerdheid”. D Th thesis, University of South Africa 2007.
5.5  Wilhelm Pretorius, “Bakens van die Ou-Testamentiese kanonontwikkeling binne die eerste vyf eeue van die Christendom”. M Th dissertation, University of South Africa, 2008.
5.6  Leepo Johannes Modise, “Reflections on the well-being levels of professionals in rural and semi-rural areas: A faith-theoretical perspective”. D Th thesis, University of South Africa, 2009.
5.7  Lufuluvhi Maria Mudimeli, “The religio-cultural impact on the leadership development of women in the ministry. A Vhusadzi (Womanhood) perspective within an African context”. D Th thesis, University of South Africa, to be submitted November 2009.
5.8  Petro Louise du Toit, “Art and symbolism in church renewal”. DTh thesis, Practical Theology, University of South Africa, to be submitted 2009.

6  External examiner: M and D
6.1  T van Wyk, “Die rol wat ‘n ekklesiologie speel in die verstaan en hantering van homoseksuele persone met besondere verwysing na die NHKA. MA. (Universiteit van Pretoria, Promotor Prof J Buitendag). 16 Januarie 2010.
6.2  Christelle Bekker, “Die huishouding van God as helende en bevrydende ruimte in ‘n tydperk van liminaliteit. Die ontwikkeling van ‘n teologiese basisteorie”. DTh Praktiese Teologie, Universiteit van Stellenbosch (Promotor Proff HJ Hendriks en J Punt). 3 Februarie 2010.
6.3  Ms KS Kim, “The decline of the Christian Church in Turkey in the 15th and 20th century: A Church-Historical study. MA. Kerk- en Dogmageskiedenis, North-West University, Potchefstroomkampus. April 2010.
6.4  Mr PP Jones, “The centrality of Jesus Christ in God’s acts of creation, reconciliation, renewal and fulfilment – the views of John Calvin and Ellen G White. D Th Systematic Theology, Unisa. 6 August 2010. (Promotor: E van Niekerk).
6.5  Juanita (Loubser) Meyer, “The spiritual and psychosocial gender specific stories of adolescent orphans affected by HIV and Aids, in the absence of a father figure: A postfoundational practical theological approach”. (PhD, Pastoral Family Therapy), Practical Theology, University of Pretoria (Supervisor: Prof Julian Müller), November 2010.
6.6  Petronella Jonck, “’n Sosiaal-sielkundige perspektief op lidmate van onderskeie Christelike denominasies se houdings teenoor die vrou as ampsdraer in the gemeente: ‘n Kruis-kulturele ondersoek.” PhD (Dept Sielkunde, Universiteit van die Vrystaat). Promotor: Prof A le Roux. November 2010.

7  Quotations
7.1  Jenette Louisa Sprong (rev), “Faith, fear and feminist theology: The experiences of women, in a small Free State town of South Africa, demonstrate some of the effects of patriarchal domination in church and society”. MA (Christian Theology), University of Durban-Westville, 2002. (Dissertation centers around the experiences of women of a small Free State town who were exposed by their pastor (Sprong) to my book, The piety of Afrikaans women (1994).

8  Media

8.1  Radio/TV

  1. Brandpunt, met Jannie Pelser, Radio Kansel, “Kan poligamie Christelik wees?”, 20 Januarie 2010 vir 5 Februarie 2010.
  2. Kruis en Dwars, met Johan Symington, RSG, “God is liefde”, 26 January 2010 vir 14 Februarie 2010.
  3. TV-program: Regstreeks met Robinson oor Angus Buchan en die man as hoof van die vrou, KykNet 11 April 2010.
  4. Radio Kansel – “Voorvaders/Verhouding Kerk en Politiek” – opname 1 Junie 2010 (Brandpunt)
  5. Praat Saam, 27 September 2010: “Erfenisdag/Heritage Day”.
  6. Radio Kansel, 29 November 2010, “Vrouepredikante se toekoms in die kerk”.
  7. TV – Fokus – Most Influential Woman in Education and Training
  8. Praat Saam – Genadedood 17 Januarie 2011
  9. Kruiskerk – Genadedood – opname 25 Januarie 2011
  10. Is die tsunami/aardbewing in Japan deel van God se straf?” - Monitor, RSG, Menseregtedag 21 Maart 2011
  11. Kruiskerk – Die einde van die w^ereld op 21 Mei 2011? – opname 8 April 2011
  12. Kruis en Dwars (RSG) – Profesie – opname 3 Mei 2011

8.2  Articles

  1. Popular article for LitNet on “A Christian view on polygamy” (30 January 2010)
  2. Popular article on “Family values” for the daily newspaper Beeld/Burger/By” (6 February 2010)
  3. Popular article on “Hlokomela” for the daily newspaper Beeld
  4. Regular column, “Godsdiens Aktueel”, for the daily newspaper Beeld
    1. Is die samelewing te immoreel vir genadedood? (10 Jan 2011)
    2. Gebed voed die hoop (7 Maart 2011)
  5. “Sodra ons leer uit ons foute, maak ons nuwes,” in New Heart Foundation/Nuwe Hart Stigting Volume 5, 2010.
  6. Regular colum in “Interaksie (Kwartaallikse Skakelbrief van die Vrouelidmate van die Ned Geref Kerk in SA (Wes- en Suid-Kaap).

8.3  Talks/Workshops

  1. “Vroue met vlerke”, Lynnwood NGK, 2 Maart 2010.
  2. KKNK – “Poligamie” – 2 April 2010
  3. Moraliteitskongres (Jannie Pelser, Nuwe Hart Stigting), Kurgersdorp, NGKerk Rant-en-Dal, 21 April 2010
  4. Pinksterreeks Wonderpark NGK: 16 tot 19 Mei 2010
  5. Philosophy Department, Unisa: “The polics of polygamy” 15 September 2010
  6. Lente-konferensie: “Ma en pa, ek wil hê: Die verbruikerskultuur onder jongmense”. Universiteit van Pretoria: Oktober 2010
  7. Woordfees, Stellenbosch: “Vier Formidabele Vroue” 9 Maart 2011
  8. Gemeente-konferensie, Maun, Botswana: “Vroue met vlerke” – 26-30 Maart 2011
  9. NGK Maun, Botswana – Gemeentekonferensie – 26-30 Maart 2011
  10. NGK Westville, Durban – Gemeentekonferensie – 6-8 Mei 2011
  11. NGKerk Witpoortjie, Hekpoort – Gemeentekonferensie – 13-14 Mei
  12. Vroulessenaar, NGK – 21 Mei

9.1  Community involvement
9.1.1  Member of the Advisory Board of National Orders for President Jacob Zuma
9.1.2  Board member of CABSA (Christian Aids Buro of Southern Africa)
9.1.3  Board member of the EXCOM of OHASA (Oral History Association of Southern Africa
9.1.4  Editor of Studia Historiae Ecclesiasticae, subject journal of the Church History Society of Southern Africa (accredited)
9.1.5  Editor of the series of conference proceedings of OHASA

9.2  Community service
9.2.1  Advisory Board, Institute for Gender Studies (Unisa) – Workshop 5 May 2011 (speaker)
9.2.2  Advisory and Management Board of the Centre for Community Training and Development (Unisa)
9.2.3  Representative College Research Committee

10  Evaluation of manuscripts (2010/2011)
10.1  Acta Theologica (1)
10.2  Studia Historiae Ecclesiasticae (8)
10.3  Verbum et Ecclesia (3)
10.4  HTS (2)
10.5  Journal for Constructive Theology (2)
10.6  NGTT (1)